Few months ago a group of Nigerian students from t Sri Ramakrishna Advance Training Institute in Coimbatore, lodged a complaint with the Commissioner of Police, informing that they were discriminated against by their neighbours, on account of their race, and this news has been published in many newspapers country wide..Following news was also published " They avoided going to the UK & many other countries to pursue their studies, thinking that they would face discrimination in a white nation. However, they were shocked to realize that even in India- gandhi's Nation , they were discriminated against.
The students also said that they had made the trip to India through proper channels, with the required documents for travel, including VISA, that were provided by the Indian Embassy at Nigeria. They just wished to stay in India, long enough to complete their program. They told the commissioner that their neighbours often called them with derogatory names and were rude towards them.
The image India has portrayed to the outside world is the main reason. A nation where saints, holy people , & temples has made it a holy nation without any discrimination was forced to be believed by brahminical egoistics through scriptures, stories and legends for centuries..
Also Gandhi's one side life only has been exaggerated.. India was in the hands of brahminical fascism and this was manifested by the glorification of fascism in the traditional Brahminical value system espoused by high-caste Hindus which Gandhi also supported. The minority Brahmin in-order to preserve self interests, they portrayed themselves as priests and used religion to gain political and economic control , resorted to deceptive ways..and devised the "Varnashrama/ Manu Dharma - caste system which taught inequality among men based on birth , family lineage and proclaimed it as will of God.. No doubt Brahmins were at the top of this hierarchy who established themselves as mediators between God and Man.
So Gandhi was supportive of these hierarchy which Dr.B.R. Ambedkar & Periyar have mentioned in detail in their writings.. Gandhi, threatened to starve himself unto death and strongly opposed the Poona pact an agreement between the Dalits led by Dr.B.R. Ambedkar and upper class Hindus led by Gandhi .
The three great Martyrs and most prominent freedom fighters of India Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev
were executed on the eve of the Karachi Congress while Gandhi saw to that the meeting was not disturbed by any protest for their hanging and so it was done before that..The Karachi Congress convened under the shadow of execution truly represented the temper of the country that time... Gandhi was greeted with black flags and shouts of "Down with Gandhism". During his time as Congress leader he never took steps to abolish caste system..
When Ginning factory employees and workers stood against capitalism Gandhi supported the employers only.. He was always supportive to the great Elites like TATA , BIRLA and no doubt he was God for them . So a lot of events can be told about Gandhi , how he supported caste system, capitalism , and promoted inequality while the picture painted to the outside world was not clear and why these students were fooled to believe India as a non-discriminative country. As with Dr.B.R. Ambedkar words , " The discrimination & abuse is equivalently same as Black people , by Brahmins in India to the Daliths , but Brahmanism cleverly hides to the outside world''- Ambedkar
Lets bring out all the dirty beliefs in Brahmanism which hasdone greater damage to most citizens as slavery for a very long period..
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